How Azure CDN Pricing with Blob Storage Works

PricingforAzureTableStoragerangesfrom4.5centsperGBpermonth(LRS)to12.65centsperGBpermonth(read-accessgeo-zone-redundant ...,Azure檔案同步服務的總成本會取決於連線到雲端端點(Azure檔案共用)的伺服器數目,再加上Azure檔案儲存體的基礎成本(包含儲存體與存...。參考影片的文章的如下:


A guide to Microsoft Azure storage pricing

Pricing for Azure Table Storage ranges from 4.5 cents per GB per month (LRS) to 12.65 cents per GB per month (read-access geo-zone-redundant ...

Azure 檔案定價

Azure 檔案同步服務的總成本會取決於連線到雲端端點(Azure 檔案共用) 的伺服器數目,再加上Azure 檔案儲存體的基礎成本(包含儲存體與存取成本) 及輸出資料傳輸。 以下是每部 ...


價格僅為估算值,並非實際價格報價。實際定價可能會根據與Microsoft 簽訂的合約類型、購買日期和目前貨幣匯率而有所不同。價格是根據美元計算,並使用前一個月底最後一個 ...

The Guide to Azure Storage Pricing

Prices for LRS file storage start at $0.058 / GB per month. Azure Page Blobs, Optimized for random read / write options that are ideal for overwriting ...

Azure Blob Storage pricing

See pricing details for Azure Blob Storage, an enterprise-grade cloud storage service for data storage. No upfront costs. Pay as you go. Try for FREE.

Azure Blob 儲存體定價

資料儲存體價格隨用隨付 ; 每GB $0.15 · 每GB $0.15 · 每GB $0.15 ; 每GB $0.018 · 每GB $0.0173 · 每GB $0.0166 ...

Azure Files Pricing

Pay-as-you-go pricing for Azure Files includes no termination fees or upfront costs. Find more information about different storage options.

Comparing AWS and Azure Storage Pricing and Features

Azure Blob Storage: Azure blob storage starts at $0.0184 per GB for hot storage but goes down to $0.01 per GB per month for cool storage, and $0.002 for archive ...

2024's Complete Guide to Microsoft Azure Storage Pricing

Azure Blob storage cost ; Pay-as-you-go, Premium, Hot ; First 50 terabyte (TB) / month, $0.15 per GB, $0.021 per GB ; Next 450 TB / month, $0.15 per GB, $0.02 per ...

Azure Storage Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide

Azure Storage offers various pricing models tailored to different types of storage services, each detailed in the Azure Storage Pricing Guide. Breakdown of Azure Storage... · Azure Files Storage Pricing · Azure Queues Pricing


PricingforAzureTableStoragerangesfrom4.5centsperGBpermonth(LRS)to12.65centsperGBpermonth(read-accessgeo-zone-redundant ...,Azure檔案同步服務的總成本會取決於連線到雲端端點(Azure檔案共用)的伺服器數目,再加上Azure檔案儲存體的基礎成本(包含儲存體與存取成本)及輸出資料傳輸。以下是每部 ...,價格僅為估算值,並非實際價格報價。實際定價可能會根據與Microsoft簽訂的合約類型、購買日期和目前貨幣匯率而有所不同。...